If a Sherpa of Purpose asked you what it takes to feel alive, what would you say? I had to answer that exact question recently posed by Chad Gabriel of Tuthill Corporation. Chad is indeed a Sherpa of Purpose, and is very serious about discovering the recipe for aliveness. 

That’s why he and his crew are travelling the world filming a documentary series based on interviews with people from all walks of life and cultures. In “The Search for Aliveness”, deep questions are being asked and answered about what it takes for humans to truly feel alive. 

Although there are many ideas, Chad is consistently hearing four key ingredients for aliveness: nature, creativity, service to others, and authenticity. I was fortunate to catch Chad between shoots for a People at Work conversation about these four primary themes. We also talk about how this incredible documentary series came about and how it’s helping Tuthill continue their mission to “wake the world”. 

Ready to be inspired? Listen in and add your own ingredients for aliveness to the mix

About our guest:

Chad started at Tuthill 18 years ago in an IT role, he is now their Sherpa of Purpose, furthering Tuthill’s purpose to Wake the World. He’s most alive when spending time with his family, particularly when they go fishing and spend some time in nature. 

The Search for Aliveness is a documentary where Chad interviews individuals around the world to understand what it means to be alive, He sees the documentary as a science experiment where, with a hypothesis, the team documents reality to determine a ‘recipe’ for aliveness. 

Connect with Chad on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/cgabriel/ or Twitter @AlivenessSeries.

For more on The Search for Aliveness, check out the following:

Website: thesearchforaliveness.com

Facebook: facebook.com/TheSearchForAliveness

Instagram: @thesearchforaliveness

Official Trailer: thesearchforaliveness.com/video/extras/official-trailer/

YouTube: youtube.com/watch?v=YpAfy9VOO9Q

IMBD: imdb.com/title/tt8991104/?ref_=nv_sr_1

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