This week we conclude a two-part interview with staff members from the APH Connect Center. The American Printing House for the Blind is a hundred and fifty-year-old organization that does a lot to promote the education of blind children and adults. The Connect Center is a branch of APH that maintains a series of websites providing valuable resources to people with visual impairments at all stages of their life. In particular, we'll be learning about Vision Aware, a site for people who are newly blind, as well as Career Connect, a site for job seekers. Join us as we talk with Leslie Weilbacher, Richard Rueda, and Katie Fredrick from the APH Connect Center.

A full text transcript of this episode can be found at

The Penny Forward podcast is about blind people building bright futures one penny at a time. Listen by asking your smart speaker to play the podcast, “Penny Forward”, searching for “Penny Forward” using your favorite podcast app, or by visiting