Do you ever feel like God is silent? Have you felt as though your prayers are going nowhere? We often mistake God’s silence as a sign of His absence. In today’s episode, Jodi will share a personal story of when she experienced God’s silence and what He revealed to her during this time. She challenges us to recognize even when God is silent He is still actively working in our lives.

Consider reading the following verses and write them on sticky notes or 3x5 cards. Then place them around your home, car, or workplace to remind yourself of God’s truth in this matter.

Ephesians 2:22, 3:12, 3:20 Romans 8:26-27 Psalms 31:21-24, 34:15, 40:3, 149:1

Read Psalms 34 and see that trust causes our hearts to rejoice in Him.

P.S. I would love to hear from you! ;)

LINKS: Click below to learn more about Jodi and places to hear her podcast “Pennies In Your Path”:








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