Have you ever been in a situation where you asked God, why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? God, where are you in this? Join Jodi and her daughter-in-love, Mikaela Aiken, as they discuss these questions. You will be inspired to trust God for His faithfulness and sufficiency. 

*Sometimes pennies in your path comes in the form of God's written Word.

*You can also watch this conversation between Mikaela and myself on my YouTube channel. :)

To listen to the interview with Mikaela and her husband, Hayden, about anxiety and releasing control click here.  You can also find it on the app you are currently listening from by scrolling to #19 episode: Real Talk About Anxiety and Releasing Control 

You can find Mikaela Aiken on Instagram @mikaela_aiken 


Question: Are you relying on your sufficiency or God’s sufficiency?

Growing Deeper-

One Simple Action Step:

Go before God in prayer and by your will submit to Him your _________ that is holding you back from trusting Him fully.

Scripture Plunge: 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, James 1:1-4,  100 scriptures on “God is my sufficiency” from OpenBible.info

Do you need prayer? Contact Jodi by clicking here. Or email Jodi at [email protected].

*To watch this episode, visit my YouTube Channel, “Pennies in Your Path.” If you are listening from my website, you can also listen on most any podcast app at “Pennies in Your Path.” Click here to see a few of the options.

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