What is a valid sign of true love? Join Jodi as she unpacks the answer to this question. She admits no one has a perfect relationship, herself included, but everyone can do their part to strive towards a healthy one. If you sense your love is slowly fading and the signs of true love are not so obvious these days, you will be encouraged to remember some things that can refresh your love.

QUESTION: What do you do to keep your love fresh? You have a chance to impact marriages here because what you share just may inspire someone to stick in there and not give up.

Leave a comment by clicking here.

Growing Deeper-

One Simple Action Step: Spend fifteen minutes today reflecting on who God is and then enter into a time of prayer. Give God full access to your heart and make room for Him to speak.

Scripture Plunge: 2 Corinthians 3:18, Philippians 4:8, Romans 12:2, Matthew 22:37

Read the blog to this episode by clicking here.

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