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During this episode, Jodi chats with Stephanie Shott about several different topics. Stephanie shares her testimony from being conceived, as a result of rape, and God’s redemptive story in her life. They also discuss her book, “The Making of a MOM” and chat about the impact of speaking words of wisdom towards our children and the need for moms to mentor other moms by putting Titus 2:4-5 into action.

About Stephanie Shott:

Stephanie Shott is the founder of The M.O.M. Initiative, a ministry devoted to making mentoring intentionally missional. She is an author and a popular speaker who helps women live full, fearless and faithful lives.

Stephanie’s painful past and diverse backstory allows her to relate to women of all ages and in all seasons of life as she not only makes her places of pain a platform of praise but with Indiana-Jones style she takes audiences with her on an adventure to unearth treasures in Scripture that can change their lives.

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Parenting with a Plan and a Purpose

Stephanie Shott Ministries

The MOM Initiative

The Making of a Mom book