Do you find it challenging to take steps of faith? We want to have things mapped out. We want to know that when we decide to step forward, then a, b, and c will happen. We long for security. We long for stability. Jodi invites you to join her as she shares Goliath’s side of the story, offering fresh insight into becoming an overcomer with your faith.

*Sometimes pennies in your path come in the form of a fresh perspective. 


CORRECTION: His spear shaft was like a weaver's beam, and the iron point of his spear weighed fifteen pounds (NOT 50).

Question: Are you willing to cultivate your own faith in God? If so, have the faith as Corrie Ten Boom when she said, never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.

Growing Deeper-

One Simple Action Step: Begin by committing to spend 15 minutes a day in the Word and end with a time of prayer.

Scripture Plunge: 1 Samuel 16-17

Here is the link for the podcast with Janey Frost I mentioned in the beginning of this episode.

Here is the link for my husband’s article:

Here is the episode with my word for the year, faith.

Do you need prayer? Contact Jodi by clicking here. Or email Jodi at [email protected].

*To watch this episode, visit my YouTube Channel, “Pennies in Your Path.” If you are listening from my website, you can also listen on most any podcast app at “Pennies in Your Path.” Click here to see a few of the options.

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