Have you ever wondered why others have an encounter with Jesus while reading the Bible, through prayer, or in the simple things of life and you have not? You continue to grasp a glimpse of His glory and come up empty handed. Listen in as Jodi explores a few reasons why you may be missing Jesus. You will be encouraged to apply some simple steps so you will not miss the One who is Emmanuel, God with us.

Merry Christmas my friends!


Question: In what way are you hoping to see the Lord today? Is it in your finances, a relationship, your career, healing, or something else? I would love for you to comment. You can even respond with a one-word answer. I will be praying specifically for you, and we will ask God to do only what He can do. Leave comment by clicking here.

Scriptures used in this episode:

Jeremiah 17:10, 29:12-14, Psalms 38:15, Luke 2:25-38, John 1:1, Philippians 4:6-7

Do you need prayer? Contact Jodi by clicking here. Or email Jodi at [email protected].

*To watch this episode, visit my YouTube Channel, “Pennies in Your Path.” You can also listen on most any podcast app at “Pennies in Your Path.” Click here to see a few of the options.

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