PCC, we believe that God will enable us to shine brightly, walk in peace, and offer hope to family, church family, our neighbors, and friends.

Over these 3 weeks, we focus our Sundays on 5 verses—Philippians 4:4-8—written by the Apostle Paul while he was sheltered in place! That’s putting it lightly!

Paul became a Christian as an adult and left the security and popularity of his former career to follow Christ. His new career as an apostle and evangelist had some interesting perks — the job description entailed beatings, being misunderstood, shipwrecks, starvation, mob-like trials, and an unknown physical ailment so painful that he described it as a thorn in his flesh!

Finally, Paul was arrested, placed under constant guard of Roman soldiers to whom he was chained…for two years. So he’s sheltered in place, or under house arrest, awaiting a verdict that carried with it a death sentence.

He wrote several letters during this time—we call Prison Epistles—Philippians is one of them. What’s amazing is that this letter drips with joy (occurring 16 times) and peace because it drips with Jesus (occurring 36 times)

In Philippians 4, Paul talks about learning a secret and his wanting us to learn it as well. Listen, our times on these 3 Sundays will be like a lozenger—not going wide, because I want us to go deep. These 5 verses we walk through, over the span of this series, will empower us to walk The Path to Peace: Finding Calm in Chaos.