After you listen to the Sunday Easter message, reflect on these questions to integrate what you heard and usher in the hope of Christ as you continue to shelter in place.

1. During these days of shelter in place, what brings you hope? And what causes you to feel hopeless?

2. Read twice through the story of Thomas in John 20:24-29. How can you relate to Thomas? Author Philip Yancey states, "Doubt always coexists with faith, for in the presence of certainty who would need faith at all? God appears far less threatened by doubt than does his church." Remember it is common to ask God to help you with your doubts (see Mark 9:24). How do doubt and faith coexist in your own life?

3. In verses 26-28, what do you find interesting about Jesus’ remarks to Thomas and Thomas’ response to Jesus. What is significant about Thomas referring to Jesus as “my Lord and my God!” What do you call Jesus and why? How could saying this often throughout your day bring you hope?

4. Reflect on verse 29. Knowing that the word “blessed” means to be “fully satisfied” how does that impact your understanding of what Jesus is saying? Who has the opportunity to be blessed? And how do you see it relating to other times (Matthew 5:3-11) when Jesus has used this word?

5. Review John 20:30-31. Why do you think John places the purpose of his writing after this story about Thomas? How has this story brought you more peace, belief, and life?

--Make a list of your doubts and declare them to God. Ask Him to give you more faith.
--Throughout your day/week declare “You are my Lord and my God!” to bring you hope.
--Take A Sacred Walk to care for your soul.