Welcome to the New Year! Pendragon co-founder Lauren “Scribe” Harris gives us a true-to-life overview of 2016 in her post One Hell of a Year. I just finished beta reading her immersive fantasy, SONG OF THE HERETIC, so I’m excited to see what she will bring us all in 2017. Join her mailing list at http://www.laurenbharris.com/ Abigail Hilton […]

Welcome to the New Year!

Pendragon co-founder Lauren “Scribe” Harris gives us a true-to-life overview of 2016 in her post One Hell of a Year. I just finished beta reading her immersive fantasy, SONG OF THE HERETIC, so I’m excited to see what she will bring us all in 2017. Join her mailing list at http://www.laurenbharris.com/

Abigail Hilton posts Hello 2017 for her patreon subscribers. Click the link to join her patreon and get access to her audio podcasts and other features.

Alethea Kontis reviews her year in 2016: One Hell of a Year  (hmm, I see a theme!) and if you subscribe to her patreon, you can see her first cover reveal of 2017. Eee!

Are you forming your writing plan for 2017? Hop on over to my blog post, How to Meet Your Goals in 10 Not-So-Easy Steps!, which also lists my goals for 2017. As I compile the lists of edits needed on DRAGON ISLANDS, I find myself hoping there’s enough of 2017 to go around! Another CHARLIE CAT book will make an appearance later this year and I hope you imagine me in the background hammering away at DRAGON ISLANDS. Join my mailing list here.

Starla Huchton is working on DEVIL YOU KNOW, and you can sign up for her posts and/or her email list at http://www.starlahuchton.com/

I’m looking forward to Kendra Fortmeyer‘s upcoming HOLE IN THE MIDDLE in 2017!

How will your 2017 look?

Is improving your social media presence part of your 2017 resolution? Check out: Writers: 10 Simple Ways to Improve Your Social Media Presence.

We look forward to seeing what you accomplish!