Thank you for listening to Write On! Audio, the podcast for writers everywhere brought to you by Pen To Print

Today’s showcase is selected by Julie Dexter.   Julie is a writer and specialist teacher from London and Kent. She has recently had a poetry Pamphlet published with Arts Council funding through attending workshops with Pen to Print. 

You can find out more about Julie Dexter by visiting her website here

You can follow Julie on twitter here

The pieces featured in the showcase are

“Snow” by Claire Buss read by Sally Walker-Taylor

“Sherry Trifle” by Clare Cooper read by Sally Walker-Taylor

“Home” by Jo Renton read by Chris Gregory

“Stardust” by Chris Plato performed by Chris Plato and friends

“The Last Train Home” by George F Brown read by Chris Gregory

We’re always delighted to read your contributions so if you’d like to see your words in Write on! or hear them on this podcast please get in touch. 

Please submit to:

Our first edition of 2023 will feature writing tips by novelist Janet Skeslien Charles and you’ll be able to download it on Tuesday 3rd January.

Thank you for listening to Write On! Audio. This edition has been presented by Tiffany Clare and produced by Chris Gregory. 

Write On! Audio is an Alternative Stories production for Pen To Print.

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