Santa is not an idol obscuring Jesus unless you let him be. The reality is he was jailed awaiting death for his Christian faith, and upon release preached against pagan practices of infanticide, sexual promiscuity and corrupt government.

WATCH the full interview including pictures at

December 25th is not the Winter Solstice (that's 4 days earlier), but 9 months after annunciation (March 25th, Gabriel's announcement to Mary that she would conceive by the Holy Spirit), which is calculated to be 6 months after the traditional date of the conception of John the Baptist (September 25, figured out using clues in Luke 1).

Some people can get so hung up on myths and rumours about Christmas traditions so this week I published a huge, three part interview with Christian historian William J Federer who literally wrote the book on Santa Claus and the history of Christmas traditions.

Far from being an adaptation of paganism, even Christmas trees are trophies of Christ's triumph over false gods! You'll love this exciting history during these holy-days and they will help you refocus your family and friends on the completely Christian history of so much about Christmas and dozens of related traditions.

This is one of the two times a year Christians have unparalleled permission to share the Good News of God Incarnate, so don't preach rumours about paganism!