Go online to PeerView.com/KFC860 to view the activity, download slides and practice aids, and complete the post-test to earn credit. Advances in the management of patients with EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) have set a precedent for precision medicine. Genomic testing for EGFR mutations and use of EGFR-targeted therapies in appropriate patients have had an established role in the metastatic setting for many years, and they have recently expanded to early-stage disease. Based on impressive data, the FDA granted approval for the first EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor as adjuvant therapy following tumor resection in patients with NSCLC whose tumors have EGFR exon 19 deletions or exon 21 L858R mutations, as detected by an FDA-approved test. This approval has effectively changed the standard of care in the early-stage setting, with implications for the practice of the entire multidisciplinary team. This PeerView Live educational activity based on a recent web broadcast provides expert insights on the latest data and useful guidance for navigating the controversies, complexities of decision-making, and practicalities of multidisciplinary collaboration related to EGFR testing and EGFR-targeted therapy in early-stage NSCLC. Upon completion of this activity, participants should be better able to: Discuss the molecular heterogeneity of NSCLC and the oncogenic drivers such as EGFR mutations that help to inform treatment decisions regarding targeted therapies, Evaluate the latest safety and efficacy data on EGFR-targeted therapies in patients with early-stage EGFR-mutated NSCLC, Describe the evolving evidence and best practices for EGFR testing in lung cancer, including in early-stage NSCLC, Collaborate with the multidisciplinary team to integrate EGFR-targeted therapy into treatment plans for eligible patients with EGFR-mutated NSCLC, including in the adjuvant setting, according to recent evidence, precision oncology principles, and patient needs and preferences.