Go online to PeerView.com/WST860 to view the activity, download slides and practice aids, and complete the post-test to earn credit. In this activity, a panel of pharmacy experts in multiple myeloma management discusses the latest evidence on novel antibody and CAR-T options and link key take-homes from the data to core aspects of pharmacy practice, from minimizing adverse events/drug interactions to educating patients and staff while addressing other pharmacy considerations. Upon completion of this accredited CE activity, participants should be better able to: Identify the current treatment role and regulatory status of novel antibodies and cell-based therapy for multiple myeloma, Summarize efficacy and safety evidence related to the use of CD38, SLAMF7, and BCMA-targeting antibodies and BCMA CAR-T therapy in newly diagnosed and relapsed multiple myeloma, Develop educational plans for staff and patients surrounding safety, dosing, and potential drug interactions associated with novel antibodies and cell therapy in multiple myeloma, Apply team-based management strategies for the integration of novel antibodies and cell therapy into existing treatment protocols for multiple myeloma, including addressing formulary concerns or developing intrainstitutional therapeutic algorithms.