Go online to PeerView.com/RPD860 to view the activity, download slides and practice aids, and complete the post-test to earn credit. With multiple novel therapeutics recently approved for patients with bladder cancer, oncology professionals have increased opportunities to improve outcomes in a variety of settings. However, not all patients are being given these promising new treatments. Management protocols often do not include the latest strategies, and clinicians often have several questions about incorporating these new agents, which include PD-1/PD-L1–targeting immune checkpoint inhibitors, TKIs targeting fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR), and antibody-drug conjugates, into clinical practice. For instance, which factors determine whether a patient will benefit from a particular treatment, and how are the unique AEs associated with these new agents managed? To answer these questions, PeerView’s urologic oncology experts present a new educational event featuring the latest evidence on novel therapeutics for bladder cancer and practical strategies for using these agents in patients with early through advanced bladder cancer. Using patient cases drawn from clinical practice and interactivity that allows participants to see how their treatment choices compare with those of their colleagues, the faculty will address the mechanistic rationale for these new therapies, therapeutic decision-making, and AE mitigation strategies. Upon completion of this CE activity, participants will be able to: Discuss the current therapeutic roles of novel agents across bladder cancer settings and various patient populations (eg, localized or metastatic), Examine updated clinical efficacy and safety evidence surrounding the use of novel therapies, including immune checkpoint inhibitors, targeted therapies, and antibody-drug conjugates, across the spectrum of bladder cancer settings, Develop a treatment plan for bladder cancer that includes novel therapies and considers disease- and patient-related features, Manage the unique adverse events associated with novel immune, targeted, and antibody-based treatments for bladder cancer.