Go online to PeerView.com/JWG860 to view the activity, download slides and practice aids, and complete the post-test to earn credit. This Clinical Consults activity, developed in collaboration with the CLL Society, pairs compelling, real-world case scenarios with mini lectures that focus on the meaningful science that supports the continued integration of targeted therapeutics—including BTK and BCL-2 inhibitors, as well as novel antibodies—into the management of diverse CLL patient populations. Our expert panel explores important topics such as optimal treatment of poor-risk and good-risk CLL, therapeutic sequencing, safety management and distinctions among agent classes, and the future of novel combinations in patient care. Upon completion of this accredited CE activity, participants should be better able to: Identify relevant prognostic factors, genetic/molecular findings, and patient- or disease-related features that influence modern treatment selection in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), Summarize updated efficacy and safety findings surrounding novel therapeutic classes in CLL, including evidence with BTK, PI3K, or BCL-2 inhibitors; novel combinations; and strategies producing minimal residual disease–negative responses, Select optimized treatment with targeted agents, including fixed duration or continuous therapy, or appropriate combinational or sequential options, for patients presenting with treatment-naïve or relapsed/refractory CLL, Manage dosing and safety considerations for patients with CLL receiving BTK or BCL-2 inhibitors, novel antibodies, or other innovative approaches to treatment.