Go online to PeerView.com/FFU860 to view the activity, download slides and practice aids, and complete the post-test to earn credit. Modern precision oncology practice relies on detecting molecular alterations that drive specific cancers to target them with matched therapies that yield the best possible outcomes for patients. HER2 alterations are key therapeutic targets in breast cancer, as well as in gastric, colorectal, and non–small cell lung cancers, among other solid tumors. In addition to established HER2-targeted therapies, a number of new agents with unique mechanisms of action have recently received regulatory approval, and further investigations are ongoing. HER3 and TROP2 are also emerging therapeutic targets in several cancers for which novel therapeutics are being developed. This PeerView educational activity based on a recent web broadcast reviews relevant HER2 alterations along with HER3 and TROP2 as targets of interest in different tumors, assesses recent therapeutic advances, and provides practical guidance for optimal testing and interpretation of results to guide therapeutic decisions. Upon completion of this activity, participants should be better able to: Describe HER2, HER3, and other emerging therapeutically targetable alterations relevant in different cancers, and evolving testing approaches to identify these alterations, Discuss the characteristics, mechanisms of action, and clinical evidence on approved and emerging HER2-targeted therapeutic agents for the treatment of patients with HER2-altered solid tumors, as well as available data on emerging therapies targeting HER3 and other novel targets, Implement relevant methods and best practices for predictive testing to facilitate effective integration of the latest HER2-targeted and other promising therapies into personalized management plans for appropriate patients with solid tumors either in the context of clinical practice or clinical trials.