Go online to PeerView.com/DJB860 to view the activity, download slides and practice aids, and complete the post-test to earn credit. What’s new in the treatment of small cell lung cancer (SCLC), and how can healthcare professionals make the most of the accelerating therapeutic progress to maximize benefits for patients? For many years, SCLC was viewed as a challenging subtype of lung cancer, with limited treatment advances and poor outcomes, but recent developments have brought new options and hope for improved outcomes for these patients. This educational activity provides a grand tour through the exciting changes in the treatment arsenal for SCLC, including the impact of chemo-immunotherapy in the first-line setting and the emergence of the transcription inhibitor lurbinectedin as the new standard of care in the second-line setting, as well as a sneak peek into the future, focusing on what’s looking promising on the horizon based on findings from ongoing research efforts. The exploration of the treatment advances are framed by cases to illustrate how to integrate the new therapeutic options into practice and what factors to consider when constructing individualized treatment plans. Progress is inconsequential if it doesn’t rapidly translate into practice. Are you prepared to take all the necessary steps to improve outcomes for your patients with SCLC? Upon completion of this activity, participants should be better able to: Review the role and rationale for integrating novel therapies into the SCLC treatment arsenal, Assess the safety and efficacy data evaluating established and newly approved treatment options, including transcription inhibition as a novel therapeutic approach, for patients with SCLC, Integrate approved and emerging therapies into individualized management plans for patients with SCLC taking into consideration the latest findings, current guidelines and recommendations, and patient needs and preferences.