Go online to PeerView.com/PYK860 to view the activity, download slides and practice aids, and complete the post-test to earn credit. Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is known as an aggressive, rapidly progressing, and challenging thoracic malignancy. After lacking progress for decades, recent advances have finally led to approvals of new therapies that can improve outcomes and quality of life of patients with SCLC. Chemoimmunotherapy has become the new standard of care in the first-line setting, a novel transcription inhibitor has expanded very limited options in the second-line setting, and many ongoing trials and innovative approaches are anticipated to further escalate progress in this challenging subtype of lung cancer. These developments have also provided new hope to patients with SCLC, which makes it important to ensure that all patients have access to these therapies and have the opportunity to benefit from them, as well as being encouraged to consider clinical trial participation. This activity focuses on evidence and practical guidance to help clinicians make the most of the latest treatment advances in SCLC. Essential data and best-practice recommendations are framed with cases to illustrate how to integrate the new therapeutic options into clinical practice. Investigational therapies and key ongoing trials are also highlighted to continue to better understand the biology of SCLC and the expanding the treatment options. Upon completion of this activity, participants should be better able to: Apply the latest efficacy and safety data on novel systemic therapeutic options for SCLC taking into consideration their characteristics, mechanism of action, most recent treatment guidelines, clinical activity, and adverse event profile, Integrate the latest therapies into preferred prescribing protocols and formularies accounting for prior treatment history, duration of chemotherapy-free interval, disease presentation, sites of recurrence, comorbidities, and other treatment- and patient-specific features for patients with SCLC, particularly in the second-line setting, Implement individualized treatment plans for patients with SCLC that leverage team-based approaches to shared decision-making, patient education and counseling, and adverse event management and monitoring.