Go online to PeerView.com/WRG860 to view the activity, download slides and practice aids, and complete the post-test to earn credit. Approximately 40% of patients with early-stage lung cancer experience disease recurrence within 1 year of receiving curative-intent surgery, representing a significant unmet medical need. Management of patients with NSCLC should be individualized based on a number of factors, including the molecular profile of the patient’s tumor and the benefits and limitations of therapeutic options in the context of the latest evidence. Continued advances with targeted therapies have prompted strong interest in expanding their use into earlier disease settings, and adjuvant EGFR-targeted therapy has demonstrated remarkable efficacy in early-stage NSCLC, leading to the first regulatory approval of osimertinib as adjuvant therapy after resection in patients with NSCLC whose tumors have EGFR exon 19 deletions or exon 21 L858R mutations. Early findings from studies in the neoadjuvant setting are beginning to emerge now as well, as perioperative use of EGFR-targeted therapy continues to demonstrate improved outcomes. As part of the multidisciplinary team, thoracic surgeons play an essential role in collaborating and coordinating with other specialists to determine the best treatment plan, including incorporating EGFR-targeted therapy into multimodal management strategies. This PeerView educational video, based on a recent live symposium, provides an essential overview of the latest clinical evidence supporting the use of EGFR-targeted therapy in perioperative settings, as well as practical advice for optimal integration of targeted therapies in practice or as part of a clinical trial. Multidisciplinary discussions on the new practice-changing data highlight important implications for the surgeon–oncologist partnership, utilizing EGFR-targeted therapy as part of multimodal management of patients with resectable NSCLC with the goal of improving outcomes and quality of life. Upon completion of this activity, participants should be better able to: Review the role of EGFR mutations in NSCLC, advances in EGFR-targeted therapy in earlier disease settings, and importance of identifying patients who might benefit from these therapies in perioperative settings; Apply the latest evidence and guidelines to identify patients with early-stage resectable NSCLC who are candidates for adjuvant EGFR-targeted therapy or investigational targeted approaches; Collaborate with the multidisciplinary team to integrate EGFR-targeted therapy into multimodal treatment plans for eligible patients with early-stage resectable NSCLC