Go online to PeerView.com/TYJ860 to view the activity, download slides and practice aids, and complete the post-test to earn credit. In this activity, Brendon Stiles, MD, provides a brief recap of the latest advances in the use of immunotherapy as a component of multimodal lung cancer care in locally advanced and earlier stages of NSCLC. He highlights some of the newest data from clinical trials and shares his perspective on the promise and implications of the transition of immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy into curative intent settings of lung cancer. Upon completion of this activity, participants should be better able to: Characterize the mechanisms of action of immune checkpoint inhibitors and other novel cancer immunotherapies, and the rationale for using immunotherapy as a component of multimodal therapy in earlier stages of lung cancer, Discuss the current and evolving immunotherapy landscape and state of the science in lung cancer, including in locally advanced and earlier stages of NSCLC, Review key clinical trials assessing immunotherapies and immune-based combinations in stage III and earlier stages of lung cancer, and available data from such trials, Determine the best treatment approaches for patients with stage III or earlier stages of lung cancer as part of clinical practice or clinical trials based on the latest evidence, recommendations, patient needs and preferences, and effective multidisciplinary collaboration and coordination of care.