Go online to PeerView.com/WVA860 to view the activity, download slides and practice aids, and complete the post-test to earn credit. In this activity, an expert in dermatology discusses team-based care and novel therapies in the treatment of pediatric patients with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. Upon completion of this activity, participants should be better able to: Describe age-related and race-related differences in the phenotypic expression of atopic dermatitis (AD); Employ evidence-based strategies to determine disease impact and guide treatment decisions in pediatric patients with AD; Discuss the rationale for targeting type 2 cytokines as a therapeutic approach in AD; Assess clinical data on new and emerging treatment options for pediatric patients with moderate to severe AD; and Employ a team-based and patient-centered management approach to children and adolescents with atopic dermatitis to prevent flare-ups, identify comorbidities, maximize health-related quality of life, and recognize treatment-related side effects.