Go online to PeerView.com/DRW860 to view the activity, download slides and practice aids, and complete the post-test to earn credit. Do you know the best practices for integrating chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cell therapy into the management of patients with hematologic malignancies? Within the past few years, the indications for CAR-T therapy in leukemic and lymphoid malignancies have expanded significantly and now include acute lymphoblastic leukemia and multiple types of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. These advances, driven by the use of CD19-directed cell therapy constructs, have spurred numerous ongoing investigations of existing CAR-T therapies in additional CD19-expressing leukemias and lymphomas (eg, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, small lymphocytic lymphoma). Unfortunately, many hematology-oncology and bone marrow transplant BMT professionals have not adapted their practice to reflect the reality of cellular therapy in 2022—from the availability of new constructs with recent regulatory approvals to the management of practical considerations, such as referrals to specialized centers, appropriate follow-up, and toxicity management. This video-based activity from PeerView will deliver expert guidance on the latest safety and efficacy data regarding the use of CAR-T therapy in a variety of settings. The panelists will draw on personal anecdotes and intra-institutional experiences to illustrate best practices for effectively incorporating cellular therapies into treatment plans while addressing practicalities of care, including enrollment of eligible patients in clinical trials testing the next steps with CAR-T therapy. Upon completion of this activity, participants should be better able to: Identify patients with leukemia or lymphoma who are eligible for and may benefit from CAR-T therapy based on current indications, clinical evidence, guideline recommendations, and clinical trial opportunities, Implement best practices for integrating CAR-T therapy into the care of patients with leukemia or lymphoma, including referral to specialized treatment centers, clinical trial enrollment, and provision of post-treatment follow-up care, Utilize appropriate AE management strategies for patients with relapsed/refractory leukemia or lymphoma who are experiencing toxicity while receiving CAR-T therapy, including cytokine release syndrome or neurotoxicity.