Go online to PeerView.com/RQF860 to view the activity, download slides and practice aids, and complete the post-test to earn credit. In this activity, based on a recent live symposium at the American College of Emergency Physicians, an emergency medicine and an oncology experts discuss the range of unique toxicities of inflammatory nature known as immune-related adverse events (irAEs) that can occur as a result of immune activation caused by immune checkpoint inhibitors, as well as how to diagnose and manage these events in the emergency department in patients with cancer. Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to: Summarize the current understanding of how to harness the human immune system in the treatment of cancer and the characteristics, mechanisms of action, and approvals/indications of the immune checkpoint inhibitor class of agents used in oncology, Describe the reasons for and mechanisms underlying the development of irAEs associated with cancer immunotherapies, Discuss the more and less common irAEs associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors and combinations, including those most likely to be encountered by EM professionals in the emergency department (ED), Outline the general and organ/site-specific recommendations for recognition, evaluation, diagnosis/differential diagnosis, and management of irAEs in the ED, Implement recommended strategies for triage, evaluation, diagnosis, and management of relevant irAEs in EM settings in collaboration with oncology