Go online to PeerView.com/PGE860 to view the entire program with slides. In this activity, an expert in lung disease discusses the increased incidence and prevalence of nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease (NTM-LD) and the risk factors for developing NTM-LD while offering insights into the recognition of NTM-LD, the challenges associated with managing this condition, and the potential role of novel therapeutic strategies. The activity will focus on the overall goal of diagnosing NTM-LD earlier to ensure that patients benefit from timely and appropriate treatment leading to the best possible outcomes. Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to: Identify strategies to optimally diagnose NTM-LD, including reducing time to diagnosis, rapid identification of risk factors, and utilization of clinical, radiographic, and microbiologic criteria, Cite recent evidence on the medical burden of NTM-LD and emerging therapeutic strategies, including data from registries, epidemiological studies, health outcomes, and clinical trials, Recognize best practices in NTM-LD treatment, including airway clearance, medication optimization, susceptibility testing, repeated cultures, and duration of treatment, Employ individualized, guideline-concordant approaches to treat patients with NTM-LD, taking into account strategies to optimize medication adherence, manage adverse events, and integrate newer therapies into clinical management.