During the early years there can be some obvious gait abnormalities in children. While many of these disturbances are quite common and correct themselves on their own, some require medical assistance. Families face unique challenges when it comes to treatment decisions for children with complex orthopedic conditions.

The staff of the Motion Analysis Laboratory at Shriners Hospitals for Children® ­— Chicago is dedicated to providing clinicians with the data to most effectively care for each patient.

The motion analysis center located inside Shriners Hospitals for Children — Chicago, provides motion analysis to children and uses the data collected to help doctors provide the most effective care for each patient using the latest technology for pediatric orthopaedic disabilities.

Listen in as Gerald Harris, PhD, PE, Technical Director of the Motion Analysis Center at Shriners Hospitals for Children — Chicago discusses gait analysis research in children, specifically work related to cerebral palsy. He shares how it is helping doctors evaluate and care for current patients and how this research may improve future care for kids with cerebral palsy.