This is part 2 of the amazing conversation with Joe Justice, founder of WIKISPEED.

Joe Justice

Joe applied agile to automotive manufacturing in 2006, founding Team WIKISPEED, and set 4 world records. WIKISPEED became the first automotive manufacturer to accept Bitcoin in 2012, and was featured on the cover of Bitcoin Magazine issue #3. Joe Justice joined Tesla in 2020, where Joe operated Agile@Tesla from the company headquarters. Joe Justice is a speaker, guest lecturer at both MIT and Oxford University in England, featured in Forbes 5 times to date including as owner of a "Company to watch" by Forbes Billionaire Club, cited in more than 8 business paperbacks and hardcovers, the subject of a Discovery Channel documentary for his work creating the disciplines Extreme Manufacturing, Scrum@Hardware, and The Justice Method. Joe Justice founded WIKISPEED and operated Agile@Tesla from Tesla's Fremont, California global headquarters. Joe earns his living by consulting globally on agile hardware and company restructuring, bringing multinational companies increased return on capital. He has designed and built 14 race and road-legal cars himself, some designed and built in as short as 27 minutes. He has also built some small houses, and some robots. His method of cross-training CAD, CAM, CFD, FEA, procurement, Machine Shop, Composites Shop, Test, and user testing has earned global recognition as the WIKISPEED method.

Twitter: @JoeJustice

Joe's books:

Best Performance Course:



TED Talk:


Bani Sodhi (co-host)

A spiritual explorer of the dynamics of the human mind. Bani was born in India and brought up across the country, she had an early exposure to diverse cultures, religions and mindsets. She moved to a new place every 2 years for the last 23 years and maintains ‘Agile Adaptability’ as one of her biggest assets. A strong believer of astute investment in ‘Human Resources’, Bani is a global HR professional, by the day, passionately furthering talent and young professionals in a Fortune 500 company in Zurich, Switzerland. By night, you are most likely to catch her in the squash court or exercising her creative muscle by making music or painting canvases. Bani brings with her the exotic knowledge of truthful living, emotional intelligence, ambiguity navigation and determined to create a world where we help each other grow!
