A longtime student of human behavior and decision making, Chris Sparks started his career in the world of brand advertising. After realizing that neither agencies or corporations were the right, he decided to go full time at poker, primarily online. In the world of high stakes gambling, he built a successful enterprise as a player himself, but then went on to coach over 100 players. He then funded and trained over two dozen players with an 85% success rate. After reaching into the Top 20 online poker players, he retired at the top of his game and went on a multi-year round the world journey to find his next move.

Since his return, Chris has been the secret weapon of First Round funded entrepreneurs, Fortune 50 executives, and, of course, high stakes poker players. His upcoming book, Inflection Point, will walk you through the exact system he uses to 10x his client's performance.


Connect with Chris:

Website - https://www.theforcingfunction.com/

Instagram - http://instagram.com/theforcingfunction

Twitter  - https://twitter.com/SparksRemarks



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Peak Accountability - http://www.thorconklin.com/accountability/

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Thor Conklin Media

Peak Performers Podcast

Peak Performance Nation


#1 Podcast on how to get things done.  Learn from Peak Performers in all areas of life and Business.  Do you know what to do but can't figure out why you are not executing what you already know?   If so, this Podcast will give you the tools, strategies and psychology to not only break through the choke point but to truly become a Peak Performer.  


Thor will be sharing his tools and strategies as well as interviewing inspiring Peak Performers that are Entrepreneur's, Professional Athletes, Business leaders, Military, Technology guru's, Health and Fitness masters, Relationships Experts as well as Music & Entertainment superstars.  


Mission and Purpose - To engage, educate, entertain and inspire listeners to excel in any area of life through mastering the science of execution and Peak Performance.  You will learn the necessary road map, strategies, tools and psychology to win this game.


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