Chief Mapu is a page (shaman) and leader of his people.  He is currently working to protect a large swath of virgin Amazon forest to support visit: and  To connect with Chief Mapu on Instagram: @mapuhunikuin or @alessandrocarvalho for English & Vivian/Rudy at Boa Foundation

For additional questions you can also reach out [email protected] or @michaeltrainer

From the Boa Foundation:

This is a fundraiser to support Mapu's Huwa Karu Yuxibu Center.

They are currently actively working to protect a large swath of the Amazon forest.  If you have donations or would like to invest please reach out!

About The Huwã Karu Yuxibu Center:

The Huwã Karu Yuxibu Center is a non-profit social project founded in August 2015 with the mission of strengthening the culture and spirituality of the Huni Kuin people. Coordinated by the spiritual leader and chief Mapu Huni Kuin, along with a technical team and the support of partners and volunteers, the center is located in a private area a few kilometers from the city of Rio Branco, capital of the state of Acre, in the Brazilian Amazon.

With the help of donations and the spiritual work carried out by the Mapu leader, we carry out activities aimed at environmental preservation, promotion of food security and the cultivation of traditional foods. In addition, we promote the empowerment and autonomy of indigenous families and young students who have moved from their villages and now face marginalization and social vulnerability in the urban area.