Continue your deep dive into permaculture principles in the second part of a series hosted by Pikes Peak Permaculture. Acknowledging and practicing permaculture principles can lead to wonderful experiences - which will guide you to understanding how natural systems work in our environment and our climate.

Pikes Peak Permaculture is a Southern Colorado 501c3 nonprofit that educates adults and the youth on the wide world of nature and permaculture.

Thank you to our supporters and community members who came out to Ranch Foods Direct and helped make our September 16th fundraising event possible!

Food to Power-

Food To Power makes it super convenient for residents and businesses to keep food, paper and yard “wastes” out of the trash and instead have it turned into compost. Event inquiries are available. 

Music by Charlie Mgee from Formidable Vegetable, a permaculture-based musical band out of Australia

This episode was produced by Pikes Peak Permaculture, a content partner with Studio 809 Podcasts. Visit for opportunities to learn more about sustainable organic living through permaculture – workshops, classes, field trips, and networking.

The following environment/sustainability organizations in the Pikes Peak region collaborate to produce the Peak Environment podcast about environmental stewardship, sustainable living and enlightened public policy in the Pikes Peak Region.

Peak Alliance for a Sustainable Future

Pikes Peak Permaculture


Keep up with all the organizations and events making our area a better place to live. Follow on your favorite podcast app so you don't miss an episode: