Episode 49 is an interview with Christie Aschwanden about her book ‘Good to Go, How to eat, sleep and rest like a champion’. In this book, which I really enjoyed reading, Christie looks at all the different modes of recovery and see whether the science backs them up as valid means to recover. She also tries out many of them, which I found fascinating as I could then relate them so much better to myself. I highly recommend this book if you are serious about recovery, and you should be! Are injuries ruining your enjoyment of running and hindering your performance? There is nothing worse than feeling aches and pains when you go out for a run, especially when running is normally your de-stressor or way of socialising. Utilizing the latest in technology, and with a wealth of experience, the team at Health & High Performance can assist you with all your running injury & performance needs. So to get back to enjoying your running and achieving the results you are capable of, head to www.healthhp.com.au/run A big take away for me from this interview was that the most efficacious forms of recovery involved switching the brain off and resting. Also, that she supported my belief that sleep is the best form of recovery available to athletes. So, make sure you get more sleep!! Your running will most certainly improve! Christie’s contact details are: https://christieaschwanden.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cragcrest/ Let me know your thoughts either in the comments about this interview on the podcast Instagram page or by DM. Thank you so much for supporting my podcast! I really appreciate the people who take the couple of minutes out of their day to get onto Apple Podcasts to rate and review me. I read all of my reviews and they sure do inspire me to keep working on this podcast!Becsta says ‘I’ve just started listening! I’m absolutely loving listening to the variety of topics covered! Great to tune into on the long runs. I too love coffee!’ Ahh, a fellow coffee lover! I don’t know if I could run without coffee to be honest!! Thanks so much Becsta!!
Next week’s interview is with Sam Suke, who talks about how mindset and self-talk can affect healing and injury rehabilitation. Interesting stuff!
 I’m sure you’ll get a lot of out that one too! I’m getting so excited about racing again, and I hope you are too! If you are, email me [email protected] to organise an individualised training plan. Have a great week of training!