“You have to have a force that people want to join, and that is incumbent upon the leader to create the environment where people love to work. Where they know that their boss has their back. They know that their boss is looking out for their career. They're invested in training, equipping them, and so on.”

Baron Reinhold talks about his run to be the next Gwinnett County Sheriff. Reinhold, who has a 30-year military background, discusses his varied experiences in the Navy, including leadership roles in nuclear command and reconnaissance. He aims to enhance transparency and accountability within the sheriff's department through measures like budget audits and public forums. He stresses the importance of restoring public trust by addressing organizational issues promptly and effectively, including staffing shortages and jail safety concerns. Listen in with your host Rico Figliolini

00:00:00 - Baron Reinhold's Extensive Military and Community Service
00:01:53 - From Naval Academy to Military Consulting: A Military Career Spanning Decades
00:04:50 - Running for Gwinnett County Sheriff
00:07:05 - Addressing Gwinnett County's Challenges
00:10:14 - Lack of Transparency in Sheriff's Budget
00:12:21 - Implementing Command Climate Surveys for Organizational Improvement
00:14:14 - Navigating Jail Budget and Safety Challenges
00:18:21 - Understaffed Jail Struggles with Inmate Safety
00:21:56 - Importance of Effective Leadership in Law Enforcement
00:24:13 - Addressing Staffing Challenges in Law Enforcement
00:28:12 - The Sheriff's Role in Upholding Constitutional Rights
00:31:20 - Balancing Constitutional Rights and Public Health
00:34:40 - Abuse of Public Funds for Personal Branding
00:36:28 - Exploring Alternatives to Traditional Law Enforcement
00:38:54 - Experienced and Qualified Candidate for Gwinnett County Sheriff