We spotlight two instances when peace broke out – right on the field of battle. First, the impromptu but widespread unofficial Christmas Truce of 1914 in the early months of fighting in Europe in World War 1. Soldiers from both sides essentially said, war is hell – let’s not do it near Christmas Day. To tell us that story, we have Stanley Weintraub, historian, professor emeritus from PennState University, biographer and author of many books including “Silent Night- The Christmas Truce of 1914.” Also the story of the National Jubilee of Peace – the first major gathering of Civil War veterans from the North and South in 1911 - 50 years after the Battle of Bull Run at Manassas. Steve Pendlebury has our story – from the place where it happened in 1911 – and was re-enacted in the summer of 2011, Manassas, Virginia. Paul Ingles hosts.