Could we be trying to increase peace through speech or action, but forget

about the planet’s ability to handle population growth? Most contemporary

estimates for the carrying capacity of the Earth are between 4 and 16

billion people. Depending on which estimate is used, human overpopulation

may or may not have already occurred. The United Nations estimates the

world human population is over 7 billion today. We discuss the impact of

population on peace and what people can do about it.

Guests include Dr. Nazli Choucri, Professor of Political Science at the

Massachusetts Institute of Technology; her work is in sustainable

development and violence. Also, John Seager, President and CEO of

Population Connection which works to ensure that every woman around the

world who wants to delay or end childbearing has access to the health

services and contraceptive supplies she needs in order to do so. Suzanne

Kryder hosts.