If the inevitability of death - our own death or the death of our loved ones - or anyone for that matter - was something we could all handle with
more calm, with more inner peace, how might the world change? What manner of thinking or perspective can one who is facing his or her own death adopt to create a more peaceful place to live out their days? What can a relative, friend or caregiver do to promote a more peaceful passage for one who is dying? What manner of thinking or perspective can one who is facing the death of a loved one or friend adopt to nurture a more peaceful place for themselves during the transition and afterwards? We talk with three women - two nurses and a physician - who have worked closely in the hospice community for some suggestions, including Camille Adair who also produced the film "Solace: Wisdom of the Dying." Host Paul Ingles, who lost both his mother and an aunt in a two week stretch in 2011, also shares his own story.