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Trauma can make a person feel unsafe in their own body. At that point, the

enemy that was living outside is now living inside. This time on Peace

Talks Radio, we'll talk about how trauma can hurt not only the survivor

who experiences it, but sometimes also the people and society interacting

with the survivor. There are many traumas such as childhood and adult

abuse, car accidents, surgeries, and war. There are also many ways to

nonviolently heal the internal and external conflicts that arise due to

them. Suzanne Kryder talks with three guests. Dr. Josie Chase, an expert

on healing inter-generational massive group trauma particularly in people

who are Native American. Also, Matthew Sanford, a yoga teacher, author and

paraplegic for the last thirty-nine years due to a car accident. Also Dr.

Bessel van der Kolk, MD, a pioneer in recognizing and healing trauma and

author of the book, "The Body Keeps Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the

Healing of Trauma".