On this edition, PEACE TALKS RADIO continues its series on Healing a

Country's Wounds by talking about the strategy of Community Building. Past

Peace Talks Radio programs in this series on how a Country can Heal its

wounds were on Transitional Justice which uses legally mandated

strategies, like Truth and Reconcilliation Commitions, or Reparations.

Part 2 focused on Public Dialogues which see people willingly having

conversations with each other to help communities heal. This third program

in the series focuses on various OTHER forms of Community Building.

Correspondent Suzanne Kryder looks into some effective programs in 3

diverse areas of the world that challenge everyone to bring their best to

help improve the mood of a place and find common ground with each other to

heal. Guests include:

Dr. Ivis Garcia, Assistant Professor of City & Metropolitan Planning at

the University of Utah,

Julie Garreau, of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. She’s been executive

director of the Cheyenne River Youth Project ever since IT was born in


Shani Graham, the creator of sustainable resilient communities in Western

Australia such as Ecoburbia.