Conversation with two authors. First Suzanne Kryder talks with David

Smith, author of "Peace Jobs: A Student’s Guide to Starting a Career

Working For Peace". In his book, Smith features 30 stories from recent

college graduates who are working in ways that promote peacemaking and

conflict resolution. Smith takes the stance that most any field of work

can be shaped into a peacebuilding career. The key is to apply creativity

and passion to the work. Then Paul Ingles visits with Brian Gruber,

author of "War: The Afterparty – A Global Walkabout through a Half-Century

of U.S. Military Interventions". His book documents his world tour

through countries that the U.S. has sent its military in the past 5

decades: Southeast Asia, the Greater Middle East, the Balkans and Central

America. Gruber talks with political and religious leaders, citizens,

writers, teachers, mothers and combatants who witnessed a turbulent

history. Gruber wonders: Do we accomplish in war what we say we will?

After the party is over, what are war’s real effects?