On a recent episode of our program, we explored the debate over violence in video games and asked what impact violent video gaming might have on our notions of conflict resolution and on levels of aggression in society. Some say it's a significant problem, that effects are real and anti social, and that violent video games should be more tightly regulated. Others think the concern over the negative effects of violence in video games is overstated and that the games have problem-solving and role-playing benefits for players.

This time on Peace Talks Radio, we talk with the co-creator of a video game, called A Force More Powerful, that is explicitly about nonviolence. To win this game, you have to craft a strategy against an opressor that will bring about change without resorting to violence. Our guest, the game's co-creator, Ivan Marovic, has some first-hand experience at this. He was one of the founders of the Serb student resistance movement that helped remove Serbian president Slobodon Milosovic from power in 2000, without violence. He has since been active with the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict, which helps human rights activists around the world organize pro-democracy movements and overcome repressive governments, nonviolently. Paul Ingles hosts.