This episode includes guest Tara Hissen, an online coach and personal trainer specializing in total body transformations and supports women with hormonal issues such as PCOS. Tara is also a PCOS cyster herself. 

Tara talks about

Her PCOS journey
What her PCOS diet looks like Whether she follows any specific diet to manage her PCOS
The pros and cons of Macro counting and how it has helped her manage her PCOS and lose weight.
How Flexible dieting has helped live a balanced and non restrictive lifestyle.
What exercise, style/program she follow? As well as how often and how long she trains.
Some tips for beginners looking to get into weight lifting.
Her biggest piece of advice when it comes to taking back control from PCOS.


Tara's Instagram:@tara_nutrition_coach

Tara's Website:

PCOS and Nutrition (Despina's) Instagram: @pcos_nutrition

PCOS and Nutrition (Despina's) Facebook: @pcosandnutrition

PCOS and Nutrition Website: