In this episode we will be talking about whether the root cause of your PCOS is your thyroid. This is an important topic that really needs to be addressed because when diagnosed with PCOS you are not really given any kind of support or guidance on how to treat this condition, you are simply told you have PCOS, most likely given the birth control or another type of medication and sent on your way. There is no further examination of what may have caused this problem. Being given the pill as a source of treatment and then being told just take this and everything will be fine is not right, because these approaches don’t get to the root cause of PCOS. In order to treat PCOS, you must get to the root cause. 

Find out

What the link between thryoid and PCOS
What causes problems with the thyroid to occur
What tests you must do to check your thyroid.
What your diet and lifestyle should look like when trying to heal your thryoid and balance your hormones.
What Supplemets are great for healing your Thyroid.

Tina's Instagram: @thyroiddietician

Tina's Facebook: @thethyroiddietician

Tina's Website:

PCOS and Nutrition (Despina's) Instagram: @pcos_nutrition

PCOS and Nutrition (Despina's) Facebook: @pcosandnutrition

PCOS and Nutrition Website: