In this episode of the PCOS and Nutrition Podcast, I speak with Jenna Talleda, a Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating counsellor. Jenna shares her PCOS and dieting journey and discusses intuitive eating and how to develop a healthy relationship with food.

Find out

Jenna's journey (PCOS, weight loss, dieting, relationship with food etc.)

Restricting food can often seem as the only this you can control in life.

How Jenna discovered intuitive eating

What intuitive eating is

The feeling of being out of control around food is often an indication that we aren’t eating enough on a consistent basis

How media representation reinforces our belief that fat is bad

The ways in which diet culture promotes eating disorders

How someone can start intuitive eating

Re-learning everything about food, our bodies, and what we deserve

The process of intuitive eating and healing take time, it is a process and it is not linear.

The steps to restore a healthy relationship with food and their body

The problem with all-or-nothing thinking

How you can recognise triggers and call them out

How to set boundaries around food and diet culture with the people that you love.

Weight loss and intuitive eating


The Intuitive Eating Book by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch  


Jenna's Instagram: @intuitive_eating_with_jenna

Jenna's Blog: 


PCOS and Nutrition (Despina's) Instagram: @pcos_nutrition

PCOS and Nutrition (Despina's) Facebook: @pcosandnutrition

PCOS and Nutrition Website: