Yoga is one of the best exercises you can do for PCOS and restoring hormonal balance. Exercise does not always have to be an intense workout in the gym. As a matter of fact, yoga and meditation has powerful healing effects for PCOS. The health benefits for PCOS are incredible. I can say, from personal experience, I am really glad and grateful that I gave yoga a chance because I thoroughly enjoy it. But also yoga has helped me so much, not only physically but mentally. It truly is a very powerful form of exercise. 

In this episode of The PCOS Oracle Podcast, I speak with Lara Higginson about yoga and the benefits for PCOS.

Find out

Lara's background and journey into yoga [00:05:31]
What yoga is [00:11:32]
Patanjali's 8 limbs of yoga and choosing the right style of yoga for you [00:18:18]
Benefits of yoga for PCOS [00:36:05]


I absolutely loved chatting with Lara and learning more about yoga. She identifies just how powerful yoga can be for our overall health and wellbeing. If you haven’t given yoga a go yet, you definitely will want to after listening to this episode

After completing her master’s in philosophy, Politics and Economics, Lara spent two years in the Finance Industry in London. The company experienced structural changes and transitioned from an Insurance provider to a Managing General Agent (MGA).

This was a nerve-wracking time for employees. Lara (@larayogawellness) saw first-hand how people's mental health affected the company’s productivity. Several people left due to stress, anxiety and depression, so naturally she became more concerned about people's mental well-being.

Lara offered Mental Health Workshops for employees and weekly Yoga classes and noticed that this encouraged team morale and boosted people's mood and productivity.

She was so impressed by the positive benefits from yoga that she decided to leave her career in Finance and spend two months in India to become a qualified Yoga Teacher. Lara did 500hrs of studying to get a deep understanding of the theory and history behind yoga as well as the benefits of the poses.

Lara now help companies implement wellness strategies to help their employees become more resilient to change, more productive and happier at work.

She offers stress management workshops and yoga classes to people to provide them with the tools needed to manage their own physical and mental well-being.


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This episode is brought to you by Mira, a company that helps women track their actual hormone levels so they know exactly when their fertile and infertile days are.

As a woman with PCOS who has previously suffered from irregular cycles, I know how difficult it can make tracking your cycles.

Not only this, some PCOS women have constantly high luteinizing hormone (LH) levels that can be as much three times the normal range. This can in turn lead to false readings when using things like Ovulating Predictor Kits because they might not detect a surge in luteinizing hormone as levels are constantly high. But not with Mira. Mira is an Artificially Intelligent-driven fertility device that has been designed with irregular cycles and PCOS women in mind, so it is able to detect the surge in LH above your high baseline. This is because we are all unique and Mira gathers data about you and tailors it's predictions to you. Whereas OPKs are designed around what is 'average'. Mira will record your actual hormone levels each month and it's complex learning algorithm will predict your fertile days every cycle.

The more data Mira gathers about you each month, the smarter it gets and the more accurate it will be at making predictions for your following cycle.

So, Mira has successfully taken away the stress and guesswork involved in predicting your fertile and infertile days. To buy your very own Mira fertility tracker, go to and use the code pcos25 at checkout to get $25 off your order.


I talk a lot about getting to the root cause of your PCOS on this podcast and hormonal testing is one of the most important ways of understanding your condition. Without testing your hormones, it is very difficult to know what type of PCOS you have.
Now, many women do not get the PCOS testing they need, whether it is because they're healthcare provider is not very supportive or because they purely do not have the time to visit their doctor. That is why I am excited to announce a new partnership with Let's Get Checked!

LetsGetChecked provides you with easily accessible at home testing and professional medical consultations without ever having to leave your home.

So the way it works is super simple, you choose a test kit online, Let's get checked then delivers it to you in discreet packaging, with next day delivery.
You then activate your test, collect your sample in the morning and return it using the prepaid shipping label provided. From there Lets Get Checked reviews your sample in their lab and shares your results with you, via your secure online account within 2 to 5 days. It is super quick, seamless and your results are confidential.
Once your results are available, they will be reviewed by a physician. A nurse will then contact you for a consultation over-the-phone.
Finally, in some cases, the physician will provide prescriptions for you to the pharmacy of your choosing.
I believe everyone should have access to hormone testing and Let's Get Checked makes that possible. It's never been this simple to stay on top of your hormonal health! Check out Let's Get Checked today.

Visit and use the code 'PCOS20' for 20% off.

Your health should never take a backseat!


Connect with Lara Higginson

LaraWelness | Instagram | Facebook 


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