Today we're diving deep into the world of precision and craftsmanship—two crucial elements in the realm of hand soldering and rework of circuit assemblies.

Whether you're a seasoned electronics enthusiast, a hobbyist, or just someone with a curious mind, this episode promises to demystify the art and science behind hand soldering and rework. We'll be exploring the latest tools, techniques, and trends that define this intricate process, shedding light on the unsung heroes who meticulously bring circuit assemblies to life, or in the case of rework, back to life.

There is archaeological evidence that soldering was employed as early as 5,000 years ago in Mesopotamia. Soldering and brazing are thought to have originated very early in the history of metal-working, before 4,000 BC. Sumerian swords from 3,000 BC were assembled using hard soldering techniques.

While soldering applications have morphed and expanded over the centuries, the basic “rules” of soldering have not. On this episode, we’re going to talk about an obvious soldering application, at least to my audience, and that’s soldering of electronic assemblies.

From the evolution of hand soldering with numerous technological advancements to the challenges faced by DIYers and professionals alike, we've got it all covered, thanks to Mike Konrad's subject matter expert guest, Debbie Wade. 

Wade is managing director of ART A-R-T, Advanced Rework Technology, a fully independent training organization, which has been presenting various training courses for over 30 years. She has been in the electronics industry for over 20 years with the last 15 of those years at Advanced Rework Technology. 

Wade comes to us well-credentialed. She chairs the IPC-A-620 Training Committee and IPC European Training Committee, and with her Master IPC Trainer status for IPC-A 600, 610, 620, 7711/21 and J-STD 001 is an expert in the field of fabrication, assembly, process and acceptance of board and cable assemblies. 

She has been presented with numerous awards from IPC in recognition of her contribution to IPC standards and training courses.

So, grab your soldering iron (metaphorically speaking), get ready to dive into the flux, and join us as we unravel the secrets of successful hand soldering and rework. Stick around for valuable insights, practical tips, and maybe even a few stories from the trenches of hand soldering and re-work.


00:00:00 - The Art and Science of Hand Soldering and Rework

00:03:01 - The Unique Art of Hand Soldering, Featuring Debbie Wade

00:06:30 - The History of Advanced Rework Technology (ART)

00:09:57 - The Impact of IPC Certification on Careers and Companies

00:13:14 - Investing in the Right Equipment for Soldering and Rework

00:16:22 - Controlling Heat in Soldering

00:19:24 - Creating the Heat Bridge

00:22:29 - Challenges in Soldering Electronic Components

00:25:39 - The Dangers of Using Soldering Guns for Electronics

00:28:32 - Common Mistakes in Hand Soldering

00:31:42 - The Importance of Flux in Soldering

00:34:38 - Proper Flux Application and Potential Issues

00:37:35 - The Problem of Flux Buildup on Test Points

00:40:50 - Appearance vs Function in Solder Joints

00:43:42 - Choosing the Right Soldering Iron

00:46:55 - Safety Precautions in Hand Soldering

00:49:50 - Appearance and Plating Issues

00:52:48 - Inspecting Different Classes of Products

00:55:39 - The importance of human control in machine programming

00:58:45 - Bespoke courses and certifications for inspectors

01:02:01 - The Importance of Proper Component Selection and Soldering

01:05:09 - Differences in Soldering Dummy Parts

01:08:04 - The Art of Hand Soldering

01:10:55 - The Importance of Reliability