Episode Topic:

Welcome to an insightful episode of PayPod. We engage Anupam Satyasheel, the founder of Occams Advisory, in the discussion about the dynamic journey through the founding and growth of Occams. The episode delves into the background and inspiration that led to the creation of Occams in 2012. With a focus on Occams' three main service verticals – GSBI, FTPS, and CMIB, the discussion explores how the company evolved to offer a wide range of services. The episode also touches upon the benefits for SMBs in partnering with a company that provides such a comprehensive suite of services.

Lessons You’ll Learn:

Anupam shares invaluable lessons learned during his decade-plus leadership at Occams. From the bold mission statement and philosophies to navigating the challenges of labeling merchants as high-risk, listeners gain insights into the complexities of the fintech industry. The discussion on risk verification evolution and the impact of new technologies provides valuable lessons for anyone in the fintech space. Anupam reflects on his experiences, shedding light on the nuances of leading a company with strong principles and values.

About Our Guest:

Anupam Satyasheel, the founder of Occams Advisory, emerges as a dynamic entrepreneur with a passion for making a positive impact. Anupam is the inspiration behind Occams and his journey in leading the company through challenges and successes. Anupam's commitment to bold philosophies and values that define Occams.

Topics Covered:

The episode covers a wide array of topics, including Occams' service offerings, the intricacies of high-risk merchant accounts, the impact of multi-currency solutions, and the evolution of risk verification. An exploration of Occams' proprietary fintech platform gives listeners insights into the company's innovative approach. The discussion also touches on the challenges and rewards of upholding a bold mission statement and the lessons Anupam has gathered along the way. As the podcast unfolds, Anupam shares his excitement for the future, both personally and for the fintech industry in 2024.

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