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The second of three episodes with Iain McLachlan – CEO of the New Zealand Veterinary Council.

We talk about:

the veterinary shortage, the nursing shortage, why the NZ VC doesn’t include two of the world’s top 10 veterinary science universities in its List of Recognised Institutions, when it's going to update that list of Recognised Institutions, what clinics can do if they absolutely cannot manage their after-hours obligations, and what “limited registration” means.

Today Iain answers the questions about:

why the Council won’t allow an overseas qualified vet with considerable years of expertise in their chosen field – for example as a dairy vet or equine vet – work in NZ without requiring them to sit additional exams covering species they have no intention of working as a veterinarian in.  What Iain would say to overseas qualified veterinarians who have to sit the AVE exams and answer questions about species they have no future intention of working in. How and why the Australians are involved. Why can’t the AVE exams be held in NZ to help allay the Covid-induced backlog of overseas qualified vets waiting to sit those exams in Brisbane. What Iain would say to overseas qualified vets who’re seeing reports in the NZ media about the shortage we have here of veterinarians but they’re unable to help alleviate the situation because they cannot legally practise as a Veterinarian. What the smaller vet clinics can do when they’re absolutely overloaded and cannot handle another night of being on call. And we talked a bit about the business opportunity for a telehealth after hours service or overload service to be started and/or expanded in NZ.VetStaff
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About DISC-Flow®
DISC is a research-backed and science-based personality profiling tool used to understand our behaviours, communication styles, and work preferences. It’s about understanding what makes you – and the people you work with – tick.

Julie South is a DISC Flow® Certified Trainer, who describes DISC-Flow® profiling as being like having a cheat sheet to better understand yourself and other people. When you know this, it helps you play to your personality strengths, work better in teams, and communicate better.

If you’re keen to find out what your personal DISC type is, what type of leader you are, or what your clinic’s team composition looks like, then get in touch with Julie to find out what's involved.

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This is what VetStaff is really good at so if you'd like to stretch your recruitment dollar, please get in touch with Julie because this is something VetStaff can help you with.

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