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011 - mindsets: how to recognise, maximise & materialise the growth (vs fixed) mindset to grow your veterinary clinic

Vet Staff

English - January 26, 2021 18:00 - 28 minutes - 19.3 MB
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Today’s episode is about the importance of having a GROWTH MINDSET vs a FIXED MINDSET and how to use take that approach to bring about positive change in your life and veterinary clinic. 

Either you’ve got a growth mindset or you’ve got a fixed mindset. 

They were coined by Carol Dwek, an American Psychologist, about 6 years ago.  Dwek earned her PhD in Social and Developmental Psychology from Yale University.

She coined the terms fixed mindset and growth mindset to describe the underlying beliefs we have when it comes to learning and intelligence.  

According to Dwek, when students believe they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. Therefore they put in extra time and effort, and that leads to higher achievement.

 You'll be able to recognise the three common misconceptions:

 "I already have it and I always will" "It's just praising and rewarding effort" "all you have to do is espouse a growth mindset and good things will happen"

You'll also be able to recognise the seven differences growth vs fixed mindsetters have:

 A belief that intelligence can be developed Embrace challenges.  Persist in the face of setbacks – that is you have resilience – we’ve talked about this  before in episode 6 - it’s an inner strength important to everyone in the veterinary profession. You’ll view effort as the path to mastery.  You’ll learn from constructive feedback (or criticism),  You’ll find lessons and inspiration in the success of others, and you’ll  Welcome challenges and view setbacks as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Includes excerpts from Michael Jordan talking about his growth mindset + Carol Dwek - including her a few minutes from her talk at Google.

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About DISC-Flow®
DISC is a research-backed and science-based personality profiling tool used to understand our behaviours, communication styles, and work preferences. It’s about understanding what makes you – and the people you work with – tick.

Julie South is a DISC Flow® Certified Trainer, who describes DISC-Flow® profiling as being like having a cheat sheet to better understand yourself and other people. When you know this, it helps you play to your personality strengths, work better in teams, and communicate better.

If you’re keen to find out what your personal DISC type is, what type of leader you are, or what your clinic’s team composition looks like, then get in touch with Julie to find out what's involved.

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