Author and former U.S. Marine Craig Grossi shares the story behind his book “Craig & Fred: A Marine, A Stray Dog, And How They Rescued Each Other.” Goes on sale Tuesday, October 31, 2017!

In 2010, Sergeant Craig Grossi was doing intelligence work for Marine RECON—the most elite fighters in the Corps—in a remote part of Afghanistan. While on patrol, he spotted a young dog "with a big goofy head and little legs" who didn’t seem vicious or run in a pack like most strays they’d encountered. After eating a piece of beef jerky Craig offered—against military regulations—the dog began to follow him. "Looks like you made a friend," another Marine yelled. Grossi heard, "Looks like a 'Fred.'" The name stuck, and a beautiful, life-changing friendship was forged.

Fred not only stole Craig’s heart; he won over the RECON fighters, who helped Craig smuggle the dog into heavily fortified Camp Leatherneck in a duffel bag—risking jail and Fred’s life. With the help of a crew of DHL workers, a sympathetic vet, and a military dog handler, Fred eventually made it to Craig’s family in Virginia.



Craig Grossi mentions two organizations that aim to reunite veterans with animals they meet abroad.

Puppy Rescue Mission

SPCA International Offers Various Programs

Thank you to Eliza Rosenberry of William Morrow.

About Nancy and Harold Rhee

We have been married over 20 years, fostered over 60 dogs in the past four years, and we love animal rescue and the amazing people who dedicate their lives. And of course, the dogs and cats!

If you want to learn more about Nancy and Harold, go to our About Us page at or listen to our introductory podcast episode, "Fifty Puppies and a Podcast."

About Pawprint

Pawprint (or Paw Print) is a weekly podcast dedicated to animal rescue, adoption, and the heroes who make it happen. Volunteer, walk, adopt, or foster a dog, cat, rabbit, or other wonderful pet through your local shelter, humane society, SPCA, pound, and animal control. Stop abuse, and help increase animal protection, welfare, and rights.

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About Pawprint’s Music

All of Pawprint's music is composed by Luke Gartner-Brereton. Luke is based in Brisbane, Australia, and he composes a wide variety of songs and musical loops