Katie Krimitsos is host of the popular business podcast, Biz Women Rock! in the Tampa, Florida area. She talks in today's episode about leveraging Facebook for your animal rescue community.

Podfest in Tampa!!
Katie Krimitsos is one of the organizers of Podfest in Tampa, Florida. February 23 to 25, 2016. One of her presentations is focused on Facebook Groups.

Biz Women Rock! - Katie's podcast
Biz Women Rock's Facebook Page
Biz Women Rock's Facebook Group (it is a closed group, subject to moderator's approval)
Tampa Bay Business Owners
Katie's husband Chris founded this dynamic and very successful business group

Katie's first bird is a female Sun Conure
Katie's second bird is a male brown-headed parrot related to the African Grey

Tell a story with your Facebook page

Post often, keep your audience engaged. Even funny memes and quotes can work.
Post pictures, visuals can make an impact
Post videos, can make things very personal
Tell stories with longer written posts. Doesn't always have to be quick and short.

Suncoast Animal League with 80,000 followers!
Purple Rice
Facebook advertising
Two people who are well-known experts at Facebook advertising are Rick Mulready and Amy Porterfield.
Farm Sanctuary (Katie referred to them as Animal Sanctuary. The correct name is Farm Sanctuary.)
Katie's advice on niche marketing
1. The riches are in the niches!
2. Start small you can always grow from there.
Facebook Page vs Group
1. With a Page, you can talk to your audience, and your audience can talk to you.
2. Your audience "Likes" your page to follow you, and popular pages can have hundreds of thousands of Likes.
3. Pages are public.

1. With a Group, you can talk to your audience, your audience can talk to you, and your audience can talk to one another. Like an online forum or bulletin board.
2. Your audience "Joins" your page, subject to your approval.
3. Groups can be public, closed, or even secret.

Thanks to Katie Krimitsos!

All of Pawprint's music is composed by Luke Gartner-Brereton. Luke is a musician based in Australia, and he composes a wide variety of songs and musical loops http://vanillagroovestudios.com http://soundcloud.com/luke-gartnerbrereton
If you want to learn more about Nancy and Harold, go to our About Us page at thisispawprint.com/about or listen to our introductory podcast episode, "Fifty Puppies and a Podcast." http://thisispawprint.com/000 
Pawprint (or Paw Print) is a weekly podcast dedicated to animal rescue, adoption, and the heroes who make it happen. Volunteer, adopt or foster a dog, cat, rabbit, or other wonderful pet through your local shelter, humane society, SPCA, pound, and animal control.
